In preparation
​​​​​J. Pyeon et al., "Development of flexible plasma source," in preparation.
M. Choi, H. Jeon, H. Kim, "Suppressing Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities by solutal Marangoni effects," in preparation
M. Kuk and H. Kim, "Abnormal evaporative flux of evaporating binary mixture droplets," in preparation
J. Ryu et al., "Enhancing Stability of Lipid Vesicle Formation via Microfluidic Double Emulsions by Regulating Solvent Evaporation Rates," in preparation
​​J. Choi, T. Chung, J. Ryu, M. Choi, R. Yoshida, H. Kim, and Y. S. Kim, "Self-propelling gel actuators driven by spatio-temporal Marangoni effect," in preparation
H. Ahn et al. "Nature inspired super-repellent wrinkled surface," in preparation
G. Ryu, H. Kim, S. Kim, "Metal droplet printing by impact on a mesh," in preparation
​Under review​​​
J. Pyeon et al., "Universally Printable Self-Sintering Liquid Metal Composite Particle Ink with Ultra-Stretchability and Sustained Durability," under review.​
​​J. Ryu, C. Diddens, D. Lohse, H. Kim, "Transition of solutal Marangoni flows by the competition between evaporation and absorption of vapour," under review.
​​Zhi et al., "Capillary Leidenfrost effects," under review.
Y. Cho, J. Pyeon, H. Jang, G. Y. Kim, J. Kang, B.-G. Park, H. Kim, Y. S. Jung, "Roulette-Inspired Physical Unclonable Functions: Stochastic yet Deterministic Multi-bit Patterning through the Solutal Marangoni Effect," Accepted in Adv. Func. Mater.
Y. Yang, C. Zhang, H. Kim, R. Chen, "Nucleation-percolation transition in clay desiccation cracking," Accepted in PRE.
G. Song, K. Jang, W. Song, W. Choi, S. Song, H. Kim, "Cyclone negative pressure pump for efficient purification of airborne contaminants," Indoor Environments [PDF]
J. Ko, J. Kim, K. Ki, S. Moon, H. Jeon, J. H. Park, M. Golla, C. J. Chun, J. S. Kim, A. Lee, H. Kim, S. S. Park, T. S. Shim, and S.-J. Park, "Shape-dependent locomotion of DNA-linked magnetic nanoparticle films," accepted in Nano Lett.
H. Jeon and H. Kim, "Single theoretical model for breakup of viscous thread with and without a fiber," Phys Rev. Fluids 9, 084005 (Selected as Editor's suggestion) [PDF]
T. Lee, J. H. Kim, C. S., Ng, A. Andreu, I. Kim, W. Lee, H. Kim, Y. J. Yoon, "Prediction of curing depth dependence on CNT nanofiller dispersion for vat photopolymerization," Chemical Engineering Journal 482, 149110 (2024) [PDF]
D. H. Lee, T. Lim, J. Pyeon, H. Park, S.-W. Lee, S. Lee, W. Kim, M. Kim, J.-C. Lee, D.-W. Kim, S. Han, H. Kim, S. Park, Y.-K. Choi, "Self-mixed biphasic liquid metal composite with ultra-high stretchability and strain insensitivity for neuromorphic circuits," Advanced Materials 2310956 (2024) [PDF]
J. Pyeon, S. Park, J. Kim, J.-H. Kim, Y.-J. Yoon, D.-K. Yoon, H. Kim, "Homogeneous quadrant cellulose nanocrystal matrices by fast evaporative dewetting change plasmonic effect of co-assembled gold nanorods," Nat. Commun. 14:8096 (2023) [PDF] (Selected as Editors' Highlights for Materials science and chemistry and Inorganic and physical chemistry)
J. Lee, T. G. Lee, H. N. Lee, H. Kim, Y. K. Kang, S. Ryu, H. J. Chung, "Simple and multiplexed detection of nucleic acid targets based on fluorescent ring patterns and deep learning analysis," ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 15(47), 54335-54345 (2023) [PDF]
S. Sun, N. Xue, S. Aime, H. Kim, J. Tang, G. H. Mckinley, H. A. Stone, D. A. Weitz, "Anomalous crystalline ordering of particles in a viscoelastic fluid under high shear," Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 120(40), e2304272120 (2023) [PDF]
M. Kuk, J. Pyeon, H. Kim, "Vapor distribution changes evaporative flux profiles of a sessile droplet," J Colloid Interf. Sci. 652, 646-652. (2023) [PDF]
S.-J Park, M.-S. Lee, M. E. Kilic, J. Ryu, H. Park, Y. I. Park, H. Kim, K.-R. Lee, J.-H. Lee, "Autonomous Interfacial Assembly of Polymer Nanofilms via Surfactant-Regulated Marangoni Instability," Nano Lett. 23(11) 4822–4829 (2023) [PDF]
G. Ryu, I. Park, H. Kim, "Liquid metal micro- and nanodroplets: Characteristics, fabrication techniques, and applications," ACS Omega 8(18), 15819-15830 (2023) (Cover) [PDF]
B. T. Gidreka and H. Kim, "Effects of physical property changes of expelled respiratory liquid on atomization morphology," J. Fluid Mech. 960, A10. (2023) (Cover) [PDF]
H. Kim, "Multiple Marangoni flows in a binary mixture sessile droplet," Phys. Fluids. 34(12), 122102. (2022) [PDF]
A. Yarin, I.V. Roisman, H. Kim, and C. Tropea, "Topical Collection ‘complex interactions with droplets," Exp. Fluids, 63(5), 1-2 (2022)
K. Park, J. Pyeon, S.H. Jeong, Y.-J. Yoon, and H. Kim, "Avalanche coalescence of liquid metal particles for uniform flexible and stretchable electrodes," Adv. Mater. Interfaces 9(35), 2201693 (2022) [PDF]
J. Ryu, G. Lee, W. Lee, J. Yoon, N. Koo, and H. Kim, "Volatile vapor knife of immersion lithography hood using solutal Marangoni effect," J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 40(5) (2022) (Selected as Editor's Pick) [PDF]
J. Pyeon, S. M. Park, D. K. Yoon, H. Kim, "Controlled nucleation in evaporative crystallization using confined-vapor driven solutal Marangoni effect," Soft Matter 18, 4067–4076 (2022) (Cover) [PDF]
J.-H. Jeong, K. Park, H. Kim, I. Park, J. Choi, and S. S. Lee, "Multiplexed electrospraying of water in cone-jet mode using a UV-embossed pyramidal micronozzle film," Microsystems & Nanoengineering 8(1), 110 (2022) [PDF]
G. Ryu, K. Park, and H. Kim, "Interfacial properties of liquid metal immersed in various liquids," J Colloid Interf. Sci. 621, 285-294 [PDF]
J. Lee, H. Kim, H, Kim, T. Lee, J.-H. Kim, A. Anderu, S. Kim, Y.-J. Yoon, "Average accumulated normalized (A-AND) predicts ultimate tensile strength and elastic modulus of photopolymer printed by vat photopolymerization," Addit. Manuf. 55 102799 (2022) [PDF]
H. Kim, G. Lee, J. Song, and S.-G. Kim, "Real-time visualization of scent accumulation reveals the frequency of floral scent emissions," Frontiers in Plant Science 18, 835305 (2022) [PDF]
J. Ryu, H. Ko, and H. Kim, "Vapor adsorption and Marangoni flows in evaporating drops," Langmuir 38, 7, 2185–2191 (2022) (Cover) [PDF]
J. Pyeon, K. M. Song, Y. Jung, and H. Kim, "Self-induced solutal Marangoni flows realize coffee-ring-less quantum dot microarrays with extensive geometric tunability and scalability," Adv. Sci. 2104519 (2022) [PDF]
J. Y. Kim, M. Goncalves, N. Jung, H. Kim and B. M. Woen, "Evaporation and deposition of inclined colloidal droplets," Sci. Rep. 11(1), 1-9 (2021) [PDF]
K. Park and H. Kim, "Crystal capillary origami capsule with self-assembled nanostructures," Nanoscale 13(35), 14656-14665 (2021) (Cover) [PDF]
J. H. Lee, S. Kim, J. Kim, H. Kim and H.-Y. Kim, "From an elongated cavity to funnel by the impact of a drop train," J. Fluid Mech. 921, A8-1 (2021) (Highlighted in Focus on Fluids) [PDF]
S.M. Park, W.-G. Kim, J. Kim, E.-J. Choi, H. Kim, J.-W. Oh, D. K. Yoon, "Fabrication of chiral M13 bacteriophage film by evaporation induced self-assembly," Small, 2008097, 1-11 (2021) (Cover) [PDF]
S. H. Lim, S. Y. On, H. Kim, Y. H. Bang, and S. S. Kim "Resin impregnation and interfacial adhesion behaviors in carbon fiber/epoxy composites: Effects of polymer slip and normalized surface free energy with respect to the sizing agents," Composite Part A. 146, 106424 (2021)
J. Kim, J. Ahn, and H. Kim, "Characterization of vortical structures in T-shaped branch depending on shear-thinning," Phys. Fluids. 33(3), 033107 (2021) [PDF]
J. Pyeon and H. Kim, "Controlling uniform patterns by evaporation of multi-component liquid droplets in a confined geometry," Soft Matter. 17(13), 3578-3585 (2021) (Invited to be featured in the 2021 Soft Matter Emerging Investigators issue and Backside cover) [PDF]
J. Ryu, J. Kim, J. Park, and H. Kim, "Analysis of vapor-driven solutal Marangoni flows inside a sessile droplet," Int. J. Heat Mass Tranf. 164, 120499 (2021) [PDF]
Y. Lee, Y. Kim, and H. Kim, "Symmetry breaking of Worthington jets by gradients in liquid pool depth," Phys. Fluids. 32(11), 112104 (2020) [PDF]
M. J. Han, J. Kim, B. Kim, S. M. Park, B. Kim, H. Kim, D. K. Yoon, "Orientation control of semiconducting polymer using micro channel molds," ACS Nano, 14(10), 12951-12961 (2020) [PDF]
E. Um, M. Kim, H. Kim, J. H. Kang, H. A. Stone, and J. Jeong, "Phase synchronized breakup of droplets from hydrodynamically coupled fluid interfaces," Nat. Comm. 11(1), 1-11 (2020) [PDF]
Y. J. Kim, A. Kim, J. M. Kim, D. Lim, K. H. Chae, E. N. Cho, H. J. Han, K. U. Jeon, M. Kim, G. H. Lee, G. R. Lee, H. S. Ahn, H. S. Park, H. Kim, J. Y. Kim, and Y. S. Jung, "Highly efficient oxygen evolution reaction via facile bubble transport realized by three-dimensionally stack-printed catalysts," Nat. Comm. 11(1), 1-11 (2020) [PDF]
H. Kim, N. Belmiloud, and P. W. Mertens, "Non-uniformly receding contact line breaks axisymmetric flow patterns," accepted, Eur. Phys. J-Spec. Top. 229(10), 1771-11784 (2020) [Invited paper] [PDF]
Y. Jo, H. Kim, J. Lee, C. Lee, H. Hugonnet, Y. Park, X. Liu, Y.-T. Chang, H. Kim, P. Kim, "Fluid-matrix interface triggers a heterogeneous activation of macrophages," ACS Applied Bio Materials. 3(7), 4294-4301 (2020) [PDF]
J.-H. Jeong, H. Choi, K. Park, H. Kim, J. Choi, I. Park, S. S. Lee, "Polymer micro-atomizer for water electrospray in the cone jet mode," Polymer 141, 122405 (2020) [PDF]
J. Park, J. Ryu, H.J. Sung, and H. Kim, "Control of solutal Marangoni-driven vortical flows and enhancement of mixing efficiency," J Colloid Interf. Sci., 561, 408-415 (2020) [PDF]
Y.H. Gim, D.G. Son, H. Kim, and H.S. Ko, "Three-dimensional particle tracking velocimetry using shallow neural network for real-time analysis," Exp. Fluids, 61(2), 1-8 (2020) [PDF]
Y.J. Cha, S.M. Park; H. Kim, and D.K. Yoon, "Microstructure arrays of DNA using topographic control," Nat. Comm. 10 (2019)
M. S. Abbasi, R. Song, S. M. Kim, H. Kim, and J. Lee, ​"Mono-emulsion droplet stretching under direct current electric field," Soft Matter 15, 2292 (2019) (Backside cover)
M.S. Abbasi, R. Song, H. Kim, and J. Lee, "Multimodal break-up of double emulsion droplet," Soft Matter 15, 2328 (2019)
S.Y. Lee, H. Kim, S.H. Kim, and H.A. Stone, "Uniform coating of self-assembled noniridescent colloidal nanostructures using the Marangoni effect and polymers," Phys. Rev. Applied 10(5), 054003 (2018)
H. Kim and H.A. Stone, "Direct measurement of selective evaporation of binary mixture droplets by dissolving materials," J. Fluid Mech 850(10), 769 (2018) (Highlighted in Focus on Fluids)
J. Park, G. Destgeer, H. Kim, Y. Cho, and H.J. Sung, "In-droplet micro particle washing and enrichment using surface acoustic wave-driven acoustic radiation force," Lab Chip 18(19), 2936 (2018) (Backside cover)
P. Min, P. Kaneelil, H. Kim, and Y. Sun, "Contact line instability caused by air rim formation under nonsplashing droplets," Langmuir 34(17), 4962 (2018)
A. K. Grosskopf, R. L. Truby, H. Kim, A. Perazzo, J. A. Lewis, and H.A. Stone, "Viscoplastic matrix materials for embedded 3D printing," ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 10(27), 23353 (2018)
E. Turkoz, A. Perazzo, H. Kim, H.A. Stone, and C.B. Arnold, "Impulsively induced jets from viscoelastic films for high-resolution printing,"​ Phys. Rev. Lett. 120 074501 (2018)
N. Xue, S. Khodaparast, L. Zhu, J. Nunes, H. Kim, and H.A. Stone, "Laboratory layered latte," Nat. Comm. 8(1), 1960 (2017) [PDF]
H. Kim, K. Muller, O. Shardt, S. Afkhami and H.A. Stone, "Solutal-Marangoni flows of miscible liquids drive transport without surface contamination," Nat. Phys. 13, 1105–1110 (2017) [PDF]
D.-O. Kim, M. Pack, H. Hu, H. Kim, and Y. Sun, "Deposition of colloidal drops containing ellipsoidal particles: competition between capillary and hydrodynamic forces," Langmuir 32(45), 11899 (2016)
J. Feng, M. Muradoglu, H. Kim, J. T. Ault, and H.A. Stone, "Dynamics of a bubble bouncing at a liquid-liquid-gas interface," J. Fluid Mech. 807, 324 (2016)
P.D. Howell*, H. Kim*, M.G. Popova, and H. A. Stone, "Rivulet flow over a flexible beam," J. Fluid Mech. 796, 285 (2016)
H. Kim, F. Boulogne, E. Um, I. Jacobi, E. Button, and H.A. Stone, "Controlled uniform coating induced by the interplay of Marangoni flows and surface-adsorbed macromolecules," Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 124501 (2016)
(Selected as a cover and PRL Editors' Suggestion and highlighted in Physics, Nature Physics, The New York Times, and Chosun Ilbo)
Y. L. Kong, F. Boulogne, H. Kim, J. Nunes, J. Feng, and H.A. Stone, "Deposition of quantum dots in a capillary tube," Langmuir 31(45), 12560 (2015)
Z. Zheng*, H. Kim*, and H.A. Stone, "Control viscous fingering using time-dependent strategies," Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 174501 (2015)
H. Kim, J. Lee, T.-H. Kim, and H.-Y. Kim, "Spontaneous Marangoni mixing of miscible liquids at a liquid-liquid-air interface," Langmuir31(31), 8726 (2015)
H. Kim, Z. Zheng, and H.A. Stone, "Noncircular stable displacement patterns in a meshed porous layer," Langmuir 31(20), 5684 (2015)
H. Kim, C. Poelma, G. Ooms, and J. Westerweel, "Experimental and theoretical study of dewetting corner flow," J. Fluid Mech. 762, 393 (2015)
Y. L. Kong, I. Tamargo, H. Kim, T.-W. Koh, B. N. Johnson, M. K. Gupta, H.-A. Chin, D. A. Steingart, B. P. Rand, and M.C. McAlpine, "3D Printed quantum dots LED," Nano Lett. 14(12), 7017 (2014)
(Highlighted in Nature Research highlights, Nature News + Views)
Y. Pang, H. Kim, Z. Liu, and H. A. Stone, "A soft microchannel decreases polydispersity of droplet generation," Lab Chips 14, 4029 (2014)
P. H. Trinh*, H. Kim*, N. Hammoud, P. D. Howell, S. J. Chapman, and H.A. Stone, "Curvature suppresses the Rayleigh-Taylor instability," Phys. Fluids 16(5), 051704 (2014)
H. Kim, J. Westerweel, and G. E. Elsinga, "Comparison of Tomo-PIV and 3D-PTV for microfluidic flows," Meas. Sci. Technol. 24(2), 024007 (2012)
H. Kim, S. Große, G. E. Elsinga, and J. Westerweel, "Full 3D-3C velocity measurement inside a liquid immersion droplet," Exp. Fluids 51(2), 395-405 (2011)
H. Kim, H. S. Kwak, and J. Westerweel, "Assessment of mixing applications on the EOF with thermal effects," Colloid Surface A 376, 53 (2011)
H. S. Kwak, H. Kim, J. M. Hyun, and T.-H. Song, "Thermal control of electroosmotic flow in a microchannel through temperature-dependent properties," J. Colloid Interface Sci. 335, 123 (2009)