Breakup & Transport
Aerosol atomization, i.e. droplet breakup, can be inevitably generated from diverse situations and places, e.g. nature, life, and industry. The atomized droplets are used in a myriad of applications, such as engineering, drug delivery, combustion, and forensics. We will investigate how micro-aerosol liquid droplets are generated from different systems and how they transport in an open and closed channel. Based on understanding of the flow physics and breakup mechanisms, We develop a system to control aerosol atomization and transport.

Droplet impact phenomena are ubiquitous in nature and technological applications, for example, inkjet printing, heat transfer problem, and anti-icing. We experimentally investigate how a droplet interacts with a solid wall depending on the surface condition. This is motivated by COVID-19. To minimize the transmission of the virus, it is important to suppress the droplet atomization and transmission. Here, we compare the spreading and retraction behaviors by varying a surface roughness. To understand the interaction mechanism between the droplet and the solid surface, we want to suggest an optimized mask surface condition.

The breakup mechanism of a viscoelastic fluid. The liquid emerges from the nozzle as a cylindrical column and grows axially until it breaks down into a thread of thin ligaments, which in turn fragment into droplets. This experiment mimics the breakup mechanism of expelled respiratory liquid during coughing or sneezing.
Related publication:
B. T. Gidreka and H. Kim, "Effects of physical property changes of expelled respiratory liquid on atomization morphology," J. Fluid Mech. 960, A10. (2023) (Cover)